How to get the maximum from your process
Optimization of the working conditions
Trough the use of inverters on all the rotation spindles and by the possibility to use a wide range of regolation for the speed of the conveyors, it always possible to find the best compromise in between quality of the surface and consumption (either for tools than for gas, water, power). Every set-up of parameters can be recorded as a specific recipe (either in case of PLC or CNC control system) and recall if needed.
Technical support
during the start up
MAEMA’s user interface
COVERINGS 2022, LAS VEGAS, April 5-8
MAEMA’S participation into the Italian pavillion organized by ICE
Technology: mechanical tools and water. Machine: surface treatment for small concrete elements and Stondeck.
KELLEREI ST. PAULS realized by Progress AG Spa
Technology: mechanical tools (bush hammering). Machine: surface treatment for big concrete elements.
HQ PROGRESS GROUP realized by Progress AG Spa
Technology: mechanical tools (polishing). Machine: surface treatment for big concrete elements.
MUSIC STUDIO, location Sweden
Technology: mechanical tools (polishing).Machine: surface treatment for big concrete elements.
Article on CPI ed 03-2021
Developed by the Italian company Maema Unipersonale, this new tool, enables the automated and rapid production of prefabricated concrete surfaces with complex graphic effects.
BAUMA 2022, October 24-30
As traditionally done since its born Maema has recognize Bauma as the most important event that put togheter people working in the costruction field and in particular for concrete.
MARMOMAC 2022, September 27-30
Maema it strongly linked to his territory as well as it is proud to reppresent even if in small portion the Made in Italy.